Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012

Spring Challenge 10: Butterflies!

Here's another design for the Spring Challenge! Theme number 10 is butterflies and I had a few ideas for this one. In the end I settled for a rather simple look that still took me a while to accomplish. Haha.

I used two coats of p2 Pearly Lilac from the Color me softly LE as my base color and black acrylic paint as well as a detail brush for the butterflies. I thought about adding some rhinestones or glitter, but in the end... I felt that stuff like that might steal the show from my butterflies.

I don't know how often I removed some of those butterflies until I was ok with their look... This is what I love about acrylic paint! If you are fast enough you can just wipe it off with some wet tissue and repaint without damaging the polish underneath.

I didn't take any pictures, but I actually loved how my right hand turned out. It usually doesn't look as good, because I'm righthanded and my left is just not as steady as my right. But this time, I liked it a lot. I guess practice is showing slowly...

 And lastly, here's a shot of Pearly Lilac all on its own. It applies quite well, but it's a little sheer. Drying time is okay, but not really fast. I don't know why they called it pearly. I imagined something different when I first read the press releases. Pearly Lilac is a nice pastell violett with lots of silver flecks. It's nothing outstanding, but a nice polish for spring. I really don't like the shape of the bottle though...

What do you think? :D

15 Kommentare:

  1. Wunderschön!
    Dachte erst es wären Nagelsticker oder Stempel, total klasse gemacht. :)

  2. Your freehand skills are amazing! I love you butterflies! :)

  3. This is gorgeous! I can't believe you painted those butterflies yourself!

  4. OH WOW!!! I thought this was a series of stamps! I clicked on the post on bloglovin' specifically to find out what stamp it was lol. Amazing!! :) I am so envious of your freehand skills!

    1. If there is a stamp like this, I would love to know... It would probably make me try stamping again. :D

  5. wunderschön!! ich dachte auch, das dies stampings sein müssen ;-)

    sorry für die späte antwort deines kommentars. yue hat beim contest leider eine etwas doofe werbemassnahme hergenommen. und zwar hat sie eine facebookgruppe (die nix mit ihrem blog zu tun hat) namens "plan a der steht irgendwann auf mich, plan b ich heirate ne stein" - darauf hat sie bereits 3000 fans "gesammelt". und bei contestanfang hat sie dort dazu aufgerufen, für sie beim contest zu voten, dann bekäme man ein extralos bei ihrem grossen gewinnspiel.

    für mich war das zuviel (man hat ja gesehen, wie sie in kürzester zeit in die höhe schoss mit ihren votes). werbung auf dem blog/facebook ist ja schön und gut, aber dann noch auf einer seite, bei der es sich nicht mal um ihren blog handelt UND vorallem mit einem "erpressungsgoodie" - das fand ich nicht fair euch anderen gegenüber.

    <3 Lily

  6. Your butterflies are stunning, this is so lovely!

  7. I also thought these butterflies were stamped! They are perfect! Well done!

  8. Oh Gott wie du "zeichnen" kannst, wenn man das bei Nageldesign überhaupt so nennt :D
    Sieht richtig toll aus, genauso wie die meisten deiner anderen Designs :)

  9. They are so cute! Butterflies are my favourite theme!! Great mani!


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