Donnerstag, 14. November 2013

TNCC - Favorite Color - #1

Hi everyone,

it has been ages... again. Partly, this was planned, partly... not. In September, I was on vacation and travelled a lot, so I was pretty sure beforehand that it would be a quiet month. But I had planned to still do all four manicures for that TNCC month afterwards.

Well, I had a great time in Japan and, maybe, I'll even write a post about it. But all of that has got a really bad aftertaste now, because I had to find out the night I returned, that three days after I left for Japan... my cat had disappeared and nobody told me. While I understand why my family decided to keep quiet about it, it made things difficult for me - emotionally. My pets are very important to me and when something happens to them, I get extremely emotional. And lagging two weeks behind everyone in that aspect was terrible. They had long accepted the fact that Mio had disappeared and were not really understanding/supporting in any way. They all appeared rather indifferent to me back then and I still can't understand how they could give up searching actively after a mere two weeks and bake elaborate cakes instead of putting up new posters.

I don't know if it would have been better if I had known while being in Japan. Maybe. What I know for sure is that it threw me out of my loop completely. I didn't really do my nails for a couple of weeks, didn't read any blogs, just worked and kept looking for my cat. He's still gone and there's little hope that he will return considering his character. He loved being with the family, so he wouldn't just disappear without any reason. It's too quiet in the house with him missing and even though it has been 10 weeks by now, I'm still not used to him not being here...

But I started doing my nails again. I feel really uncreative since then, but I can't stay in this slump forever. So starting this post, I'll try to not only do my nails, but post the pictures to my blog as well. The posts might be shorter on text for the time being though.

So to get back on track, I'm going to ignore the fact that I have been missing about 9 TNCC manicures until now and just start with the first one for the month of November. The theme is easy: favorite color. I decided on purple, because there were a couple of purple untrieds on my desk. So here you go, a Japanese nail art inspired manicure in purple!

I tried to paint one stroke flowers, but failed. I liked the one on my thumb though...

Materials used:
- p2 sensual purple from the Mirror Mirror on the Wall LE
- Biocura Fliederzauber
- essence Steel-ing the scene from the metal glam LE
- white and purple acrylic paint

That's it for now! Thanks for reading!

8 Kommentare:

  1. It's good to see you again - and that mani is utterly gorgeous!

  2. Schön, daß Du einen tollen Urlaub hatttest, nur schade, daß dann zu Hause die böse Überraschung auf Dich lauerte. Ich hoffe, Deine Katze findet sich wieder ein.

    Also im Vergleich mit meinen bisherigen One-Stroke-Versuchen ist das richtig toll geworden. Wie oft habe ich schon völlig entnervt den Pinsel beiseite gelegt, weil man nichtmals adeutungsweise erkennen konnte, was es denn werden sollte ;D.

    Liebe Grüße,

    1. Das hoffe ich natürlich auch... Die Katze meiner Schwester wurde nach 12 Wochen gesichtet und ist jetzt wieder bei ihr. Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt!

      One Stroke ist echt fies... aber irgendwann wird das schon werden! :D

    2. Ich drücke weiterhin die Daumen.

      Dann bin ich aber beruhigt, daß von Dir zu lesen. Mir tat sich schon langsam der Verdacht auf, ich sei 'zu doof' für One Stroke ;o).

      Liebe Grüße,

  3. Amazing design, lovely colours- really good job :)

  4. Aaaah, das ist verständlich und das tut mir echt leid mit deiner Katze. :( Ich drücke ebenfalls die Daumen... und freue mich, dass du wieder postest =)


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