Last but not least, today I want to show you my third Halloween manicure. In would actually do this one every other time of the year too (maybe not on Christmas XD), so I don't exactly feel like it's inapropriate to post this now, 3 days after halloween.
Once again, I'm going to dedicate this manicure to another blogger. German blogger
HibbyAloha is having her first blogaversary and as a big fan of the US and halloween, she's combining her blogaversary giveaway with a halloween contest. As with Steph's Halloween Contest (which I won, btw~ yay~), I just love the idea and it was such an incentive to actually do another halloween themed manicure.

HibbyAlohas blogaversary giveaway is still open for her followers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It will close midnight November 6. Click -->
here<-- to go to her giveaway-page.
With the following manicure, I'm going to enter for Set 2. I would really love to try Burt's Bees cuticle cream - and that's part of the set. :D
On to the manicure~
I have been thinking about doing a splatter manicure for a while now, and with the new Dexter season airing now, I knew that I had to do a bloody one for halloween. When I was thinking about what colors to use, I immediately knew that Illamasqua
Load would finally be put to use. Finding a nice red in my stash was more difficult than I thought. For once, I don't own that many... some are jellys and that wasn't what I was looking for. And a lot of the rest were either too violet or just too sheer. In the end, p2
Fifth Avenue was my choice. (It actually really is a blood red. I had the chance to make sure of that when Mio scratched me again...)
Load on its own. My pictures aren't really color accurate though... they somehow are a bit too yellow.
Load is a really really light yellow. Some still call it a white with a yellow hue, but I think this "hue" is a bit too strong to still call it a white. Excuse the missing clean up, but this was just step 1 of such a big mess, I didn't want to bother with it just now. :D
Doing this manicure was a lot of fun. I still have to work on my splatter technique, but since I planned to do some "smearing" as well, that wasn't an issue anyway. If I hadn't had to work the next day I would have left it just like that. The "bloody mess" looked so much like Halloween.
I somehow liked my right hand better... which is seldom the case. I'm right handed and my right hand usually ends up kinda wonky.
This is after clean up. This time, excuse the tip wear... these pictures were taken on day 3. I somehow thought I took pictures right after clean up...
I kinda love how my real wounds (thanks, Mio; thanks stupid window) match with the manicure... °-°;
What do you think!?